Ok, so marriage is something I would like to experience some time. I also wrote in my last blog, that this desire for my husband ( ? ) is a curse along with that pain in child birth. This curse has been broken though, by God through his son Christ Jesus. We only have but to except this gift, or allow God to begin the work of spell braking in our own lives. When I was 5 years old God revealed this to my young heart. He has been recreating me a little more every day. Until the day when I stand before my King, my father, Lord and savor, I will feel the scares of the sin, but I do not have to fall hopeless to the ground in defeat to that curse. For I know that Through God the father son and holy spirit, the battle, the curse has been won, broken. The curse has not prevailed. Ya!
why is it that when there is a camp fire, I can't seem to stop staring into the flame? I always wonder that every Autumn when it's time to build camp fires and roast marshmallows, and hot dogs. It is my favorite time of the year though, and I get exited and lonely and peaceful and restless all at the same time. I get exited to see the leaves turn colors, and for the temperature to be cooler, I get lonely and long to share the season with someone, that someone being a husband. At the same time I find myself feeling a sense of peace, and calm, and at other times I feel restless, a longing for a new adventure. All of these thoughts went through my mind this evening as I sat next to the fire, with the brother and sister hood of the fellowship of the bride singing songs laughing, throwing marshmallow it was great fun. Thank you Father for the joy there is in being a part of your family.