Remember when you were a kid, and your big brother, or in my case, uncle would put their hand on your head and say, "Oh no it's going to suck your brain out". You would laugh and say stop it, and push their hand out of the way. The truth is there is something that can suck your brain out, it is your TttttVvvvv. Now I'm not saying that while your sleeping it's going to come to life and get you, I'm just saying, that if you let it, it will, SUCK YOUR BRAIN OUT! If you let it, it will pull you in, and while your in, it will suck the life out of you. You will begin to feel uninspired, and lazy, you will stop thinking deeply, you won't feel like doing physical activities. The books you read will not be remembered, and in fact there will be more TV time, and less book reading. Don't let it happen to you, don't let your brain get sucked out. limit your times of staring at the brain sucker too one or two hours a day, and an occasional day with out is good as well, and if you must watch two hours a day at lest pick something like discovery channel, or history channel for an hour of that. Most important, don't forget to pick up a book once and awhile, so you can keep that brain in tacked, and safe "FROM THE BRAIN SUCKER."
why is it that when there is a camp fire, I can't seem to stop staring into the flame? I always wonder that every Autumn when it's time to build camp fires and roast marshmallows, and hot dogs. It is my favorite time of the year though, and I get exited and lonely and peaceful and restless all at the same time. I get exited to see the leaves turn colors, and for the temperature to be cooler, I get lonely and long to share the season with someone, that someone being a husband. At the same time I find myself feeling a sense of peace, and calm, and at other times I feel restless, a longing for a new adventure. All of these thoughts went through my mind this evening as I sat next to the fire, with the brother and sister hood of the fellowship of the bride singing songs laughing, throwing marshmallow it was great fun. Thank you Father for the joy there is in being a part of your family.
I'm a believer too and I don't have a tv; only a dvd-player on my PC. That sucks out enough energy, creativity and passion...
God Bless.
And keep your eyes on Him! He's the true 'Light of the world'.