This is the nearest I’ve been to the mountains, sense I left them five years ago. One of these days I pray that I will be able to get back there. Just to remember and see the place again, a place I stayed so long. I want to visit my family there, let them know that I have not forgotten them, Mel, Ken, Mary, Chris, Monica, Kara and Angelina.
I can hardly remember what they looked like.
Like the former self they have faded into my memory.
Is there a danger in forgetting what was?
If we forget will we not fall back into what we were before?
But no, you have never let me go, have you Lord?
I see too where you have brought me.
When I think that I have forgotten the chains that I used to ware,
He gently reminds me and leads me further into his arms of grace.
How rich I am in you God, how good you are to me.
I am worthy only through Jesus Christ and He is
the way the truth and the life.
The mountain of God is closer to Him, and there is part of me that knows His presents is where I always want to be, but for now he has asked me to go to the valley. There he has given me sack cloth to ware so that the reflection of his Glory, that comes when I get close to him, does not blind those who need to see.
I can hardly remember what they looked like.
Like the former self they have faded into my memory.
Is there a danger in forgetting what was?
If we forget will we not fall back into what we were before?
But no, you have never let me go, have you Lord?
I see too where you have brought me.
When I think that I have forgotten the chains that I used to ware,
He gently reminds me and leads me further into his arms of grace.
How rich I am in you God, how good you are to me.
I am worthy only through Jesus Christ and He is
the way the truth and the life.
The mountain of God is closer to Him, and there is part of me that knows His presents is where I always want to be, but for now he has asked me to go to the valley. There he has given me sack cloth to ware so that the reflection of his Glory, that comes when I get close to him, does not blind those who need to see.