Remember that song we used to sing when we were kids, the one we sang when we wanted to go frolic in the out doors but we didn't because it was raining. Rain rain go away come again some other day. Or the one about the old man, It's raining it's poring the old man is snoring, he got out of bed and bumped his head and couldn't get up in the morning. Why did we sing those songs, I mean what happen to the old man? I remember, a few times, during the summer when I was a kid my parents would let us play in the rain. This sounds strange I think, but I like the smell of wet pavement, and I used to lay on it face up eyes closed, every other sense awake. The side walk would be warm from the summer sun of the day, and the rain falling on me would be cool. I remember thinking this is so beautiful God. To know God, is to really experience life, in a vivid sort of way, to have every sense, AWAKE.