Autumn, is my favorite time of the year! It always has been ever since i was a little girl. I like so many things about it. I like the smells and the way the summer heat slowly leaves and I like that the days grow shorter. I love that the air starts becoming crisp. I like that traditionally this time of the year was harvest. Everything is ready to be picked, the grapes, the apples the pumpkins and squash, the veggies from the garden, corn, tomatoes. It is time for bonfires and hay rides, corn mazes and jumping in piles of leaves that are orange,yellow, brown, red and green that have fallen with the autumn Breeze. The rain starts to come more often. I get to stop wearing sandals and start wearing shoes, pants, long sleeve shirts, sweaters, jackets,galoshes, and by far the most romantic part of the year for me is Autumn. I don't know why, but I have always felt that way, the best part of that is that it is not because of any guy here on earth that I feel this way, I think it, because God has always been the one to romance me so well and to know me so well and he knew this time of the year would be a reminder of Him, and how much He loves me! I remember when I was a kid, this was the time of year my family and i would rake the leaves into leave mazes all over the front and back yard. I remember a year when I and a group of friends sat on a cliff that over looked the lake, the night sky was clear and cloudy at the same time, and there was heat lighting behind the clouds, and the smell of camp fires in the air. It was beautiful. I remember nights in autumn when I would sit out on my back deck and watch the sun set behind the mountains. There was a warm cool Breeze, and i loved the feel of it tossing my hair about. I always felt it was God sitting close to me playing with my hair, letting my know that he was right there and that he loved me.
Autumn, is my favorite time of the year! It always has been ever since i was a little girl. I like so many things about it. I like the smells and the way the summer heat slowly leaves and I like that the days grow shorter. I love that the air starts becoming crisp. I like that traditionally this time of the year was harvest. Everything is ready to be picked, the grapes, the apples the pumpkins and squash, the veggies from the garden, corn, tomatoes. It is time for bonfires and hay rides, corn mazes and jumping in piles of leaves that are orange,yellow, brown, red and green that have fallen with the autumn Breeze. The rain starts to come more often. I get to stop wearing sandals and start wearing shoes, pants, long sleeve shirts, sweaters, jackets,galoshes, and by far the most romantic part of the year for me is Autumn. I don't know why, but I have always felt that way, the best part of that is that it is not because of any guy here on earth that I feel this way, I think it, because God has always been the one to romance me so well and to know me so well and he knew this time of the year would be a reminder of Him, and how much He loves me! I remember when I was a kid, this was the time of year my family and i would rake the leaves into leave mazes all over the front and back yard. I remember a year when I and a group of friends sat on a cliff that over looked the lake, the night sky was clear and cloudy at the same time, and there was heat lighting behind the clouds, and the smell of camp fires in the air. It was beautiful. I remember nights in autumn when I would sit out on my back deck and watch the sun set behind the mountains. There was a warm cool Breeze, and i loved the feel of it tossing my hair about. I always felt it was God sitting close to me playing with my hair, letting my know that he was right there and that he loved me.