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Showing posts from December, 2004

The curse has been broken

Ok, so marriage is something I would like to experience some time. I also wrote in my last blog, that this desire for my husband ( ? ) is a curse along with that pain in child birth. This curse has been broken though, by God through his son Christ Jesus. We only have but to except this gift, or allow God to begin the work of spell braking in our own lives. When I was 5 years old God revealed this to my young heart. He has been recreating me a little more every day. Until the day when I stand before my King, my father, Lord and savor, I will feel the scares of the sin, but I do not have to fall hopeless to the ground in defeat to that curse. For I know that Through God the father son and holy spirit, the battle, the curse has been won, broken. The curse has not prevailed. Ya!

1corinthians 7 ( Mawidge)

"Is what bwings us togder today Mawidge that bwessed awangment." I want to get married, really I do. I don't need to get married, but I want to get married. Marriage is not a need, it is a want. And for all girls especially it is something that they think about a lot. There are those of us out there who will try and deny their feelings about this hoping that some how denying it will make the feelings go away, but My experience with that has been not yet. I have stared to just admit the fact, that I want to get married. In the beginning, God created everything, Man and women too. Then we sinned, and there was this curse the one on women was that she would have increased pain in child birth, and our desire would be for our husband. What about those who don't have a husband? I often wonder if it is like being born with out a limb sometimes, or maybe it's like having phantom pains for the one finger you lost or something? My desire will be for my husband who e...


Do you ever cringe when people ask you what you do? Its as if that question is actually a question of who you are. In the past I have disliked the question what do you do, because I took it to be a question about who I was, I think that there are a lot of people out there who do the same. In struggling with this question, that seems to be asked of us as we grow older, I wondered very often if I was a failure because I didn't have my life's plans, and myself figured out yet. You know that old question," what do you want to be when you grow up. " Ah Ha!, that's it it's that question, the one everyone asked you when you were a little kid. Boy words really do stick with us. My Aunt Diane said something once, and it has helped me very much. What I do for a job, or career is not who I am. Thanks Diane, for helping me out a bit. I work at Starbucks, as a Barista. I like it very much too. I make a tasty Granda vanilla nonfat Latte. :)